Immersive Themes on One Platform

Facts Inc has created a better social network based on the themes we know and love, like Sports, Lifestyle, Technology, etc. A site that is useful, uncluttered, and engaging. 

We are based out of the United States and are driven every day to create a great user experience. 

Culture: has a “vibe” that occurs when people come together to learn more about common interests and explore new things. The Multi Themes will help guide users to do just that. There are currently no Multi Themes for Politics, Sex, or Religion. For the good of the community, toxic behavior (bullying, off-topic activity, invasion of privacy, racism, etc) will lead to a banning. Let’s keep it classy. 


We love Group Creators. Have fun with it! Between us…we are working on a way to reward you for everything you bring to the table ;). 



Be fair and honest. Contact us with any disagreements. Sales will only incur a 5% fee.


Do your research. Contact us with any disagreements.


Congrats on your event! Let’s get the word out there and make it amazing. 


Let the world know more about a topic you are crazy about for free or fee. Sales will only incur a 5% fee.


Post only real positions with accurate descriptions and only apply if available. Don’t waste your time or anyone else’s. You know how current job sites are. Let’s not be like that.

Legal stuff, please see Terms of Use for information.